一个不错滴首页 - IM286 - 个人觉得蛮有创意

[ 2007-12-15 11:44:28 | 作者: Admin ] 字号: | |
<html><head><title>Blueteeth Official Site</title>
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<!--img id="background" src="grass.jpg" /-->
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 <div class="shadow"></div>
 <div class="title"><font color="#E0E0E1">Blueteeth Official Site</font></div>
 <div class="glass"></div>
 <div class="border">
 <div class="content">
 <h1><font color="#F8E0C0">欢迎进入blueteeth的世界!</font></h1>
 <p><font color="#F8E0C0">请随意拖曳,拉伸本网页上的组件!</font></p>
 <p><font color="#F8E0C0">This page uses no images, except the background image. Everything is done with
 HTML, CSS, a bit of JavaScript and a lot of Internet Explorer filters.</font></p>
 <p><font color="#F8E0C0">Yes, it's slow, but it's pretty isn't it?</font></p>
 <p><font color="#F8E0C0">Looks horrible in any browser but Internet
<div class="window" id="window3" onmousedown="setCurrent(this)" onmousemove="calcResize(this)">
 <div class="title"><font color="#B6B8C4">版权</font></div>
 <div class="glass"></div>
 <div class="border">
 <div class="content">
 <p><font color="#9ED7F0">来源:互联网</font></div>
<div class="window" id="window4" onmousedown="setCurrent(this)" onmousemove="calcResize(this)">
 <div class="shadow"></div>
 <div class="title"><font color="#667788">网站导航</div>
 </font><font color="#00FFFF">
 <div class="glass"></div>
 <div class="border">
 <div class="content">
 <div id="menu">
 <span><a href="#">
 <font color="#B6B8C4" size="6" face="Small Fonts">进入blog</font></a></span></font><font size="6" color="#B6B8C4" face="Small Fonts">
 </font><font color="#00FFFF"><font face="Small Fonts"><span>
 <a href="#">
 <font size="6" color="#B6B8C4">进入论坛</font></a></span></font><font face="汉仪醒示体繁">&nbsp;
<div class="window" id="window2" onmousedown="setCurrent(this)" onmousemove="calcResize(this)">
 <div class="shadow"></div>
 <div class="title"><font face="汉仪醒示体繁">友情链接</font></div>
 <div class="glass"></div>
 <div class="border">
 <div class="content"><!--这里写上你的友情链接内容-->
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[ 2005-05-29 11:18:49 ]
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[ 2005-05-29 11:30:49 ]
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[ 2005-06-23 02:14:18 ]
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